Drinking wine should be enjoyable… it should be fun! It should add to your life.

I’m Ellen.

I’m a real wine fan and cheerleader.

I help wine fans and wannabe fans have more fun with wine without being overwhelmed or intimidated. Don’t overthink or overspend.

There are over 10,000 grape varieties, the majority of which most people have not tasted. So much exciting variety. There really is some delicious wine for everybody who chooses to taste and explore and have fun with the process. It is a great community to be a part of!!

I want to help that process along: Guide the way and offer any helpful information I can. Instead of looking at so much choice as overwhelming, I look at it as exciting opportunities just waiting to be discovered.

Tasting wine does not have to involve anything formal at all. Should you choose to sniff and swirl and analyze, you certainly can. But you don’t have to. You can just relax and enjoy and discover.

I know a lot about the subject, but there is always more to learn.

I have been to more wine tastings and classes than I can count! I am certified as WSET* Level 2, and have no plans to go further because there is no need to overthink it.

It comes down to:

DO YOU LIKE IT? ( For me, my wine notes may read “YUM”)

DO YOU NOT? ( Often, my wine notes will just say “YUCK”)

Sometimes a wine is just MEH (That may literally be my wine note)

The next question is:

What is it worth to you ? What do you want to spend?


Personally, I am very value conscious about wine. Value, however, is subjective.

It is worth talking about. You may want to know why some wines are insanely expensive and not to your taste, and why some really inexpensive wines become favorites.

I will talk about places to travel to drink wine, learning about different types of wine, and maybe even about what foods to have with wine. I will be talking to sommeliers, wine makers, vineyard owners, and other wine lovers.

* For information on what the WSET is check out my post on Wine Education.

I love hanging out with other fans of wine! Let’s have some fun together!